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  • 麻疯树:这种植物明明超强却过分冷僻_百科TA说

    2020.4.28  麻疯树的拉丁文学名为Jatropha curcas L.,属大戟科,是一种落叶灌木或小乔木, 可以生长在一些并不是那么肥沃的的土地上, 目前主要分布 在我国云南、贵州、四川、广东、广西、福建、海南等省份。

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  • Jatropha: The biofuel that bombed seeks a path to

    2023.4.6  But the bubble burst. Low yields led to plantation failures nearly everywhere. The aftermath of the jatropha crash was tainted by accusations of land grabbing, mismanagement, and overblown carbon ...

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  • Review and prospects of Jatropha biodiesel industry in China

    2012.5.1  Abstract. Jatropha curcas L. is chosen as an ideal biodiesel crop in China because its seed kernel has high oil content (43–61%) and it does not compete with

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  • 麻疯树 - 搜狗百科

    2023.8.3  麻疯树(拉丁学名:Jatropha curcasL.)别名为羔桐、臭油桐、黄肿树,假花生分类地位,大戟科灌木或小乔木。 叶叶互生,掌状或羽状分裂,稀不分裂,被毛或无毛;具叶柄或无柄;托叶全缘或分裂为刚

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  • Jatropha: From Seed to Plant, Seed, Oil, and Beyond

    2019.3.30  Publish with us. Policies and ethics. Jatropha curcas (Jatropha), one of the most popular biofuel crops, is also one of the most controversial crops. It is generally

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  • Jatropha: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Toxicology

    2019.3.30  Policies and ethics. Jatropha curcas, a non-edible oilseed species with several uses and extensive lucrative prospective, is considered as a potential biofuel

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  • Frontiers Current Progress of Jatropha Curcas

    2022.1.14  Jatropha Curcas is a low-cost biodiesel feedstock with good fuel properties and more oil than other species. It is a non-edible oilseed feedstock. Thus it will have no

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  • Towards a classification of the drivers of jatropha collapse in

    2018.5.4  Jatropha for biofuel production created high expectations in Ghana for boosting rural development and national energy security. In the mid-to-late 2000s, large

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  • concasseurs jetropha et extracrors

    concasseur jatropha concasseurs - tlab-techniek. Beaucoup de concasseurs de semences dans le pays sont en métal et électrique . qui est fabriqué à partir de fèves de jatropha et d''autres graines oléagine concasseurs jetropha et . Read More Compagnie de broyage et grindin à Peenya.

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  • 变叶珊瑚花 - 百度百科

    变叶珊瑚花(学名: Jatropha integerrima Jacq.),是大戟科麻风树属常绿灌木。 [5-6] 变叶珊瑚花单叶互生,倒阔披针形,叶面为浓绿色,叶背为紫绿色,叶柄具茸毛,叶面平滑,常丛生于枝条顶端;花单性,雌雄同株,花冠红色或粉红色,雌、雄花不同时开放;具乳汁,有毒; [5] 蒴果圆球形,成熟时呈 ...

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  • Benefits and Challenges of Jatropha Meal as Novel Biofeed

    2021.9.1  Jatropha curcas L. has gained importance as a source of seed oil for biodiesel production. The meal contained about 60% protein with a good balance of essential amino acids, containing various bioactive compounds, including saponins, phytic acids, trypsin inhibitors, lectins, phenolics, and flavonoids, which render it as a potential

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  • Jatropha: A Promising Crop for Africa’s Biofuel Production?

    2011.1.1  Most of the Jatropha curcas L. grown in Africa is from the Cape Verde variety. Other two varieties that are identified are the Nicaraguan and Mexican varieties, with larger, but with fewer fruits and less toxic seeds compared to the Cape Verde variety (IFAD/FAO 2010).The plant requires relatively little management and starts to produce

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  • 瓶干树_百度百科

    瓶干树又名佛肚树,学名是Jatropha podagrica Hook.,瓶干树的原生地是澳洲的昆士兰及南威尔斯的干燥地带,胖胖的体型被认为是对干旱气候的适应。. Jatropha podagrica Hook. 直立灌木,不分枝或少分枝,高0.3-1.5米,茎基部或下部通常膨大呈瓶状;枝条粗短,肉质,具

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  • Jatropha: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Toxicology

    2019.3.30  Jatropha curcas, a non-edible oilseed species with several uses and extensive lucrative prospective, is considered as a potential biofuel plant.Even though the genus Jatropha comprises ca. 200 species, to date just a few species have been investigated for their chemical constituents.There are still many species that have not

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  • Multivariate Analysis of Seed Chemical Diversity among Jatropha curcas ...

    2021.8.6  Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) has been identified as a potential bioenergy feedstock in arid regions, but knowledge of the diversity of its chemical characteristics is limited. In this study, 61 Jatropha accessions growing in Botswana, where both severe drought and winter frosts frequently occur, were analyzed for their seed chemical

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  • The Rise, Fall and Potential Resilience Benefits of Jatropha in ...

    Jatropha is the latest in a list of “miracle crops” that have been promoted in southern Africa for their perceived development benefits. This was based on promises of high yields, low water requirement, ability to grow on marginal land and lack of competition with food. In less than 10 years, tens of thousands of hectares were acquired for jatropha plantations and

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  • Jatropha: The biofuel that bombed seeks a path to redemption

    2023.4.6  A jatropha rush ensued, with more than 900,000 hectares (2.2 million acres) planted by 2008. But the bubble burst. Low yields led to plantation failures nearly everywhere. The aftermath of the ...

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  • Jatropha curcas: An Overview SpringerLink

    2013.1.1  Jatropha curcas is a drought-resistant perennial tree attracting attention as biodiesel plant in the recent times, particularly because of its potential for growth in the regions of low rainfall. Present communication encompasses different aspects of Jatropha plantation and its uses including in soil conservation under stressful conditions. The

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  • Frontiers Current Progress of Jatropha Curcas

    2022.1.14  Jatropha Curcas oil production is expected to reach 1,590 kg/ha (Vyas and Singh, 2007; Gui et al., 2008; Janaun and Ellis, 2010).Fruits are trilobite ovoid capsules with three cells and a length of 23–30 mm by a width of 28 mm. The seeds of Jatropha Curcas have a thin shell and an oblong shape with a dark back colour (Dehgan, 2012).The

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  • Towards a classification of the drivers of jatropha collapse in

    2018.5.4  Jatropha for biofuel production created high expectations in Ghana for boosting rural development and national energy security. In the mid-to-late 2000s, large areas were allocated across the country to jatropha investments that eventually collapsed. Jatropha collapse has been prevalent across Africa but few studies have empirically

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  • Life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis of Jatropha ...

    2022.12.19  In this study, a Life Cycle Cost (LCC) is integrated within a life cycle assessment (LCA) model to comprehensively evaluate the energy, environment, and economic impacts of the Jatropha biodiesel production in China. The total energy consumption of producing 1 ton of Jatropha biodiesel is 17566.16 MJ, in which fertilizer

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  • jinhua utilisé ncasseur

    concasseur à cone prix du manteau crusher production line manufacturers Sbe zibo jaw crusher machinery and equipment gravel production line gravel zibo jinhua Online Zibo Jinhua crusher used granite crushers Jaw crusher is the obbligato machine in quarry production line especially the hard stone Get Price Jinhua Used Crusher Concasseur

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  • Bioactive Phytochemicals from Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.)

    2022.10.13  Jatropha curcas is a plant that produces nonedible oil, which is used in the production of biodiesel, among other things.Jatropha curcas plant used parts, processing, and products are shown in Fig. 1.In addition, Jatropha produces fruits that are rich in lipids, wherein Jatropha curcas oil is a second-generation biofuel. In their study,

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  • Jatropha L. - World Flora Online

    2023.7.18  JATROPHA L. Por Grady L. Webster. Arboles, arbustos o hierbas, a veces suculentos, tallos con látex pálido a coloreado; plantas monoicas o dioicas. Hojas alternas o subopuestas cuando están amontonadas en los brotes laterales, simples, no lobadas a palmatilobadas. Inflorescencias cimosas, axilares o terminales, largamente

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  • 棉叶珊瑚花 - 百度百科

    棉叶珊瑚花(学名:Jatropha gossypiifolia Linn)是大戟科麻疯树属多.生落叶灌木或小乔木,株高2-6米。原产美洲,现在主产于热带和亚热带地区,主要作为观赏植物。我国引种已有300多.的历史,野生麻疯树分布于很广,主要分布于广东、广西、云南、贵州、四川、福建

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  • Experience with Farming Models, Socio-economic Issues and

    2019.3.30  Most of the planted areas were in Madagascar, Mali, Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique. Many other countries in SSA established jatropha plantations, and expectations in 2008 were that the plantations would reach 2 million ha by 2015 (GEXSI 2008b).Ghana and Madagascar together were projected to be the largest producers in

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  • Experimental Investigation of Different Extraction Methods

    2023.6.20  While energy production is highly dependent on fossil fuels, which consider the main source of global warming, biofuels would play a significant impact in diminishing such warming. In this paper, biooils were extracted from inedible seeds (Jatropha and Castor) using different continuous devices (solvents, screw presses, and hydraulic press

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  • Jatrophane and rearranged jatrophane-type

    2020.4.13  Diterpene compounds specially macrocyclic ones comprising jatrophane, lathyrane, terracinolide, ingenane, pepluane, paraliane, and segetane skeletons occurring in plants of the

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  • Systematics of Indian Jatrophas SpringerLink

    2012.10.26  Jatropha L., is a genus of the family Euphorbiaceae with about 175 species distributed in tropics of America, Africa and Asia. Eight wild and three cultivated species occur in India. Key to species, systematic enumeration, local names, flowering, fruiting season and distribution is given. Sepal and petal characters are described and

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  • Critique on conclusions regarding toxic compounds in Jatropha

    2021.12.1  Devappa et al. 6 show that phorbol esters can be detected in screw pressed jatropha seed cake and that it is the phorbol esters in the seed cake that are toxic to animals (snails in this case ...

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  • (PDF) 2022 Life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis

    2022.12.19  LCC study shows that the cost of Jatropha biodiesel is 796.32 USD/ton, which is mostly contributed by Jatropha oil cost (44.37% of the total cost) and human input (26.70% of the total cost).

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  • Jatropha - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

    Jatropha seeds generally contain toxic components but produce 27–40% oil, rich in palmitic acid (C16:0, 13.4–15.3%), oleic acid (C18:1, 34.3–45.8%), and linoleic acid (C18:2, 29.0–44.2%) ( Meher et al., 2013 ). This oil-bearing plant is widely recognized as a potential renewable energy source because it can grow and fruit on marginal or ...

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  • Land Free Full-Text Land Grabbing and Jatropha in India:

    2021.10.9  In the early 2000s, powerful narratives (re-)emerged around the food–fuel–land nexus, which, combined with the financial, food, and fuel crises of 2007–08, sparked new concerns about the finiteness of our resources and triggered, as well as partially justified, the then following land rush. Around the same time, a hyped debate

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  • Processes Free Full-Text Jatropha Curcas Biodiesel: A

    2021.6.29  One of the greatest challenges of the 21st century is to fulfill the growing energy needs sustainably and cost-effectively. Among the different sources of energy, biodiesel is one of the alternative energy sources that has tremendous potential to become a major mainstream renewable energy mix. Jatropha is an important raw input for biodiesel

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  • A Dynamic Study of the influence of Jatropha curcas on

    2023.5.12  2.1 Anti-nutritional Factors in the Jatropha Plant. Anti-nutrients are compounds that interfere with the digestion of food and negatively impact animal health and productivity, either directly or by the metabolic products they produce in living systems (Makkar 1993).Animal consumption of plants is typically constrained by the many toxins

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  • Potential applicability of Jatropha curcas leaves in bioethanol ...

    2023.4.5  Among the biggest issues facing the world now are fuel shortages and water contamination. Therefore, the goal of the current study was directed to produce bioethanol from Jatropha curcas leaves and use the residual wastes in the form of composite sheets for crystal violet (CV) removal. The leaves were collected from Jatropha curcas, irrigated by

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  • Suitability analysis for Jatropha curcas production in Ethiopia

    2014.12.16  Jatropha is an oil-bearing plant growing in tropical and subtropical regions of the world within 30°N and 35°S latitudes. It is considered as a potential solution to the prevailing shortage of fossil fuel and environmental challenges. However, in most parts of Africa including Ethiopia, traditional land allocation systems for biodiesel investment do

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